16 Oct International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Addressing the Root Causes of Poverty to Lift Our Communities Up...
Addressing the Root Causes of Poverty to Lift Our Communities Up...
Tiana is a Barrie communications professional, specializing in event planning and social media strategies. She is passionate about the ability of effective communications to elevate philanthropy, enhance donor stewardship, drive strategy and improve leadership. Since graduating from Wilfrid Laurier University in 2018, Tiana has worked...
By: John Arruda It’s expensive to live in poverty. Think about that sentence for a moment. It doesn’t seem logical, but when you start putting yourself in the shoes of someone who’s struggling with money, it soon becomes very clear and very true. Consider housing. If you can’t...
We often think of poverty in terms of money: you either have enough money or you don’t. The situation isn’t that simple, though. There are many facets of poverty that feed off one another, digging the hole deeper and deeper until someone feels trapped with...
We know that poverty is a major problem in our communities, across our country and around the world. We know that millions of people in Canada feel the effects of poverty on a daily basis. We know that poverty is a deep-rooted, pervasive issue. But what...