Apply for Low Income Energy Assistance (LEAP) online

As of August 2023 United Way Simcoe Muskoka is pleased to now accept LEAP applications online through our secure self-service portal for a select number of utility partners.

You may submit an application for the following utility providers:

  • Hydro One Networks
  • EPCOR Natural Gas Limited
  • EPCOR Electricity Distribution Ontario Inc.
  • Renfrew Hydro
  • Ottawa River Power Corporation

If you are interested in submitting an application for your natural gas utility provider as well (Enbridge Gas or Union Gas) you must call the toll-free number and complete the application for both electricity and natural gas utilities over the phone.

You are required to provide the exact same information online as you would over the phone, and instead of meeting with a representative at a local Intake Agency or sending supporting documents directly to UWSM you will be able to upload these documents directly to your application on the self-service portal. There are a few basic requirements for using the self-service portal:

  • You must have a valid email address that you are able to access regularly
  • You must be able to obtain digital copies of all supporting documents;
    • ID for you and every adult in the household, proof of income, bank statement, proof of mortgage/rent, copy of your bill
  • You must have a device that allows you to access the portal and upload your supporting documents to your application

If an application that is started on the self-service portal is not completed within 48 hours then the application will be put on hold and your access to the portal will be suspended. This does not mean you can no longer apply for LEAP, however you will have to call the toll-free number and continue your application with a CSR. At this point, you will no longer be eligible to complete your application online.

If you experience any problems trying to complete and submit your application through the self-service portal you are encouraged to call the toll-free number (1-855-487-5327) to speak to a CSR who will be able to help you complete the application over the phone.


Already registered to use the LEAP Portal? Click Here to log in

Request Access to the LEAP Self-Service Portal

Eligibility for LEAP is dependent on the size of your household AND total household income after taxes. Please complete the fields below to determine if you might be eligible. 

Please note that eligibility to receive a LEAP grant is only determined AFTER you have completed the entire LEAP application and submitted your supporting documents. 

Based on the information you have provided you will not be eligible for LEAP. For more information regarding eligibility, please visit the Ontario Energy Board's website: 

Low-income Energy Assistance Program | Ontario Energy Board

Based on the information entered above you may be eligible for a LEAP grant. Please complete the fields below and you will be granted access to the LEAP Application Portal where you can submit the LEAP Application.

If you do not see your utility provider listed above that means your utility has not authorized online applications through our LEAP Portal. Please call our toll free number to start your application.