
Ginny* lives simply on her small farm and usually manages to get by financially. As the weather began to cool down in the fall of 2017 though, she found herself falling behind on her electrical invoices. With an outstanding bill of $700 that was more...

April 15-21, 2018 marks National Volunteer Week here in Canada. It’s not only about celebrating and thanking the millions of volunteers in our country, but also a time to think about what you can do in your community. Every day, Jeff D’Silva, manager of promotions of...

What does sipping a cup of tea have to do with manufacturing a car? In Simcoe Muskoka last year, they were both community-building activities. Blue Mountain Tea Company opened in Collingwood’s historic downtown two years ago with a pledge to earmark 1% of its profits to...

How much can the world change in 100 days? How many local lives can be changed or even saved in that time? At United Way Simcoe Muskoka, we’re up to the challenge of finding out. Are you? From February 1 to May 11, individuals and businesses are...

As we prepare to celebrate Family Day on February 19th, be sure to plan a meal with family, friends, or perhaps someone who doesn’t have anyone to eat with. As you will read below there are many benefits of eating together. This blog comes to...

Maybe you’ve always felt the burning desire to help people. You’ve always wanted to do more, but you’ve never been quite sure about what you can do. That’s why we’re here. United Way Simcoe Muskoka’s mission is to build stronger communities. And to do so, we rely...

If you asked us exactly what we do, it can be hard to pin down in a few sentences, because we do a lot! We help a lot of people. Our mission is to bring people and resources together to build strong, healthy, and safe communities...