
“If you work full time, you should be able to make ends meet.”  This statement from the Ontario Living Wage Report is as simple as it gets.   Living Wage should not be a political lightening rod – it is simply stating that if we want folks to live above the poverty line, they need to earn enough to do so. 

This week is #LivingWageWeek.  A living wage is defined as the hourly wage a worker needs to earn to cover their basic expenses and participate in their community. This is different than minimum wage – minimum wage is the minimum that an employer can legally pay an employee, whereas a living wage is the minimum an employee can expect to live on.

When people think of poverty, they often think in terms of absolute poverty or the low-income threshold. What people don’t normally think of is just how much you need to survive month-to-month. That number is known as the Living Wage, and it varies from region...

Over 60 years ago United Way Simcoe Muskoka began working to improve lives and create lasting change in our local communities. The organization has evolved and changed but that mission remains the same. As the incoming Chief Executive and Philanthropy Officer, I am honoured to be a part of this mission and intend to further the good work done before me.