United Way Simcoe Muskoka News

News, Events and other happenings in our community

If you asked us exactly what we do, it can be hard to pin down in a few sentences, because we do a lot! We help a lot of people. Our mission is to bring people and resources together to build strong, healthy, and safe communities...

OPP Commissioner Vince Hawkes (shown flanking the sign banner with UWSM CEO Dale Biddell) officially launched the annual OPP-United Way campaign on October 13, 2017, in The Steakout Cafeteria of General Headquarters in Orillia. Shown in the photo are custom-crafted picture frames and coin-drop donation...

United Way Simcoe Muskoka (UWSM) held its third annual Women in Leadership Luncheon May 3rd at Lion’s Gate Banquet Hall. Guests heard Voices from the Street speakers Dawnmarie Harriott and Amy Dulmage (pictured here l-r) share their personal struggles through mental illness, abuse and poverty,...

It was great to celebrate the launch of our region's first United Way workplace fundraising campaign at a law firm on November 6, 2017. Congratulations and many thanks to HGR Graham Partners for its community leadership! Launch events were held at law offices in Orillia,...

On November 1, 2017, County of Simcoe employees walked the red carpet in a movie premiere-themed event to kick-off their annual workplace fundraising for United Way Simcoe Muskoka (UWSM). The county is one of more than 175 workplaces that partners with UWSM each year to...

Members of the labour movement across the region attended United Way Simcoe Muskoka’s 3rd annual Labour Breakfast on October 26, held at the Simcoe County Elementary Teachers’ Federation (SCETF) in Barrie’s south end. “We owe it to our young people to give them a better...