United Way Simcoe Muskoka News

News, Events and other happenings in our community

When we talk about poverty, it isn't a simple conversation about a single issue. It goes beyond income. It's about inadequate education, health, financial, physical and social resources needed to sustain positive well-being. In Simcoe Muskoka, United Way thinks local poverty is unignorable. UWSM's Community Impact...

By Michelle Cellucci I recently turned fifty. I tell you this, not to brag or to set you up to accept my dazzling new found wisdom, but to provide some timeline context for my story. A LOW GLASS CEILING When I was fourteen, my brilliant, beautiful seventeen-year-old cousin was...

Andrew McCullough is UWSM's System Administrator. Our staff and volunteers rely on his ability to develop technology-based solutions that streamline processes, increase internal capacity, and produce valuable data that drives funding decisions. His thirst for knowledge and efficacy is quenched on a daily basis as he...

Deborah Burrows is a long-time United Way donor and a new member of UWSM's Board of Directors. We asked her "Why United Way Simcoe Muskoka? And why now?" Here's what she said. I’m often asked why I joined the UWSM board, why our family gives to...