Author: United Way Simcoe Muskoka

      YU grant applications will be accepted starting December 10th. Will you be ready? If you're 14-22 years old and living in a community in Simcoe County, Muskoka or the Town of Blue Mountains, we have a question for you: How would you make your community better, if...

Muskoka - your pulse has been taken! As a community sponsor, United Way Simcoe Muskoka is delighted to support Muskoka Community Foundation's first Vital Signs report. Publicly launched today, this community snapshot and local data allow us to better understand what drives the region of Muskoka,...

WHAT GOES THROUGH YOUR MIND WHEN YOU THINK OF HOMELESS YOUTH? It might be time to think again. Stereotypes can hinder at-risk youth from getting the help they need to get back on track for a safe and successful future. Tracy Wood is the Senior Coordinator of...

On the eve of a milestone anniversary, United Way Simcoe Muskoka (UWSM) has launched new online tools to help local residents and businesses understand how their donations and volunteer support are making a difference in local communities. In this digital age, we're identifying that ongoing...

Poverty goes beyond income. Hunger and homelessness. Education inequality, unemployment and social isolation. Mental illness and domestic violence. Why are United Ways across the country launching a new publicity campaign about local poverty, in all its forms? Because our neighbours are struggling and we need your help in...

Guest blogger: Tracy Wood  Tracy Wood is the Senior Coordinator of Community Programs for Elizabeth Fry Society of Simcoe County. Her portfolio includes overseeing the UWSM-funded Muskoka Youth Trustee Program, for which she was recently recognized as an Outstanding Community Contributor by the District Municipality of...