Together, we are making a difference.

This month marks two years since I joined United Way Simcoe Muskoka as Chief Executive and Philanthropy Officer. I am proud of much of what we have accomplished as a team, particularly in the areas of advocacy & education, increasing awareness of United Way as a charity, and in forging new relationships to strengthen our commitment to community.

I’m also excited by the work to come.

We need to continue to develop new strategic partnerships. We need to insert ourself into difficult community conversations. We need to raise more money so that we can increase our investment into programs and initiatives that take an innovative approach to addressing complex social issues.

We’ve done a lot of the easy work – now it’s time for the hard work. This means sometimes making decisions that not everyone will like or agree with. This means sometimes changing the way that we may have always done things. This means sometimes speaking up even when it’s uncomfortable to do so.

I am here for it and I am excited about it.

Bring it on.

Thank you to our Board and volunteers. Thank you to our staff and community partners. Thank you to our donors and corporate sponsors. And thank you to my colleagues across the United Way Centraide Canada network.

Together, we are making a difference.

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