Important changes to the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) as of March 1, 2024
Emergency financial assistance – This fund-limited program provides a one-time grant towards your electricity or natural gas bill if you are temporarily unable to make ends meet in an emergency situation.
To qualify you must
(a) be the account holder, (b) live in the home and (c) be past due on your bill
If you have any questions please contact
Help cut your energy costs through energy conservation.
Ask us about Enbridge Gas’ Home Winter Proofing program.
If you have any questions please call 1-855-487-5327
This program provides low-income consumers with a monthly on-bill credit to reduce their electricity bill.
To find out more information please call 1-855-487-5327
Step 3:
After your eligibility is confirmed, send us your documents, or visit one of our Intake Agencies
Utilities we provide assistance for are: