Mission and Priorities

Our Mission & Priorities

To improve lives and build communities by leveraging collective resources and mobilizing collective action to achieve the greatest impact.

Everyone in Simcoe Muskoka deserves a chance to lead a good life. This conviction drives thousands of dedicated donors, volunteers and community partners to come together through United Way Simcoe Muskoka to generate the caring power to advance measurable, lasting change in our region
– for today’s residents and for generations to come.

When we work together on important community issues, the results are game-changing.

We’re creating pathways to prosperity.

Poverty touches most aspects of a person’s life from food, shelter and employment, to mental and physical well-being. This complex issue has a social and economic impact that affects entire communities and everyone who lives there.

It’s not somebody else’s problem. Community challenges belong to all of us. Together, we need to take action and address local poverty head-on.

How can we create a lasting difference in our region? By unleashing our local love – one generous act at a time. Your donation powers UWSM’s crucial work, allowing us to target funds and mobilize on-the-ground efforts to tackle persistent social issues where they start.

That’s how we change lives, today and for years to come.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment

United Way Simcoe Muskoka is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenous, Metis and Inuit collaboration as an organizational priority. We strive to create and foster a supportive learning environment where everyone demonstrates and is accountable for diversity, decolonization, anti-racism, equity, and inclusion. We are committed to employing the best people to do the best job possible, in which all individuals realize their maximum potential within the organization.

Our organization’s success relies on the quality and skill of our employees, volunteers, and Board members, working together to reduce inequities, stigmas, and racism in our organization. By embracing across-the-board inclusiveness, we foster a stronger environment that is productive, dignified, sustainable, and ultimately beneficial to the organization and all who are involved with it. Only through diversity of participation can we bring the full range of perspectives and viewpoints to our endeavors, allowing us to make a larger difference in the communities we serve.

It is the responsibility of everyone at United Way Simcoe Muskoka to sustain a culture of respect that supports principles of diversity, equity, and inclusivity.

United Way Simcoe Muskoka Strategic Plan.    2023 – 2026
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