Planned Giving

Do you want to leave a legacy of change?

What we leave after we are gone can have a big impact on our friends, our loved ones and the community that we cherish. United Way Simcoe Muskoka takes your legacy very seriously and ensures it drives positive impact through our planned giving options. Click the button below to see our planned giving brochure or scroll down to learn more about specific options.

Planning your legacy can have advantages for you, your family and our communities. Our planned giving specialist is here to help you with respect and consideration. If you have questions, please contact:

Brian Shelley
Chief Executive & Philanthropy Officer
705.726.2301 x2033

Watch our Legacy Giving webinar

We can assist you with:

Gift of Securities

A Gift in Your Will

Gift of Life Insurance


Gift of Securities

A cost-effective way to turn one of your assets into immediate and significant support while eliminating costs of capital gains and amplifying the impact of your gift.

A Gift in Your Will

It is surprisingly easy to include United Way Simcoe Muskoka in your will and it allows you to retain control of your assets while making a powerful, larger gift than you might currently be able to.

Gifts of Life Insurance

An impactful alternative to cash, gifting life insurance can transform your modest payments into significant gifts. All this while reducing taxes and leaving more to loved ones.


Gifts of retirement fund assets helps avoid unnecessary estate taxes levied on your loved ones while converting your gift into tax-smart support for the most vulnerable in your community.

We know planning your legacy can be difficult to think about. We are here to assist you through the process with dignity and respect. We are here to help.