To help you navigate COVID-19, we’ve put together a list of trustworthy resources.

For the most accurate and up to date information on COVID-19, refer to health officials:

Get Help – If you are experiencing a crisis:

211 (dial 2-1-1) for community, social, government and health services.

911 (dial 9-1-1) for police, fire and ambulance.

Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)

Service Canada Service Request

Catholic Family Services Call-In Counselling Clinic (1-888-726-2503)

Financial Relief Programs

Grocery Delivery Services (Barrie)

The New Horizons for Seniors Program:

United Way Centraide Canada partnered with the Federal Government to support senior residents of our communities who face increased physical and mental health risks during the COVID-19 crisis. This new fund was used to support services that assist vulnerable and isolated seniors.

United Way Simcoe Muskoka distributed $173,000 among several organizations across Simcoe Muskoka to ensure the needs of local seniors were met. These organizations include:

Barrie Community Foundation

Catholic Family Services of Simcoe County

CONTACT Community Services

Elder Abuse Prevention Muskoka

Independent Living Services

Muskoka Seniors

Ryde Community Co-Op

Gravenhurst Against Poverty

Community Connection 211 Central East Ontario and the Regional Agency Leads for the Urgent Needs Fund


The services provided addressed mental health and social isolation, barriers to accessibility and mobility, and assisted with access to food, transportation and digital supports.

If you need immediate assistance or help accessing community resources, dial 2-1-1 on your phone or visit